Adam's Diary: Through the Years with Down's

I few weeks ago I was contacted by a woman who is working with her son Adam on a writing project I'm sure you'll love:

I have a son, Adam, who has Down's syndrome.  He is now 53 years old and has worked at Newbury Post Office for 28 years and has been married to Cathy, who also has Down's, for 20 years. They live independently in a flat.

Adam has always been a joy and he and I are writing his diary, having one entry per year since his birth. The entries bring out his personality, as he is quite a character! I would love to share the first entires with your readers.

All good wishes
Linda Veness

Adam’s Diary

17 August 1962
My name will be Adam. It is four days before my birth. It is Saturday and    

my mother-to-be is lying on the settee looking at Dr Who. I am reliably
informed that it is usual to enter the world head-first but I’m more
comfortable sitting up properly and the efforts of a doctor and a nurse
could not budge me from this belief, so here I sit. I have Downs Syndrome
but my mother does not know this yet.

17 August 1963
I’ve had a lovely day crawling around on the floor and eating the dog’s
dinner which people don’t seem to like. I can’t seem to get the hang of
walking but I will, I will… as I silently inform my mother. I’ll soon be able
to speak to her but it is all a bit garbled at present, but overall she is
pleased with my progress and I am giving it lots of wellie. We are having
another one of me in January.

17 August 1964
My brother and I have just nearly had a race – he’s getting onto his feet
now and I think I will be mastering this walking business very soon
… can’t be left behind, so I’m making a grand effort at this stage.
17 August 1965
Mum has had a bit of a fight to get me into Nursery School but I will start
in September part-time. I’m looking forward to charming the nursery
nurses and maybe I’ll be able to wander round the Park where the Nursery
is. I have to be watched carefully as I love a good wander – well a chap’s
got to learn. My brother can’t join the Nursery School until he is three,
so I’ve got a head-start and will probably have a few useful tricks with
which to astound him.

17 August 1966
Nearly 4 now and really getting on very well at Nursery School. I have a
big Union Jack bag which is nearly as big as me to carry all the bits and pieces. One or two of the mothers seemed surprised I was at the Nursery
School but I just gave them one of my beaming smiles and convinced them
I really can be quite charming. Having my brother at school will cramp

my style somewhat, but I’ll learn to live with that.

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