Britmums Special Needs Round-Up has a New Editor

Britmums is obviously, well, it's Britmums, the largest network of parent bloggers in the UK.

Their Special Needs Round-up is a monthly collection of the best, most inspirational blog posts on the subject of parenting a child with additional needs to be found in the land.

I have been reading this round-up since I began blogging 8 months ago, written by the incredible Alex Ozansoy, and following many of the blogs featured on a regular basis.

How utterly astonished and amazed was I when Britmums asked me to step into Alex's shiny shoes a couple of weeks ago. What me? A relatively newbie blogger?

Well I said yes of course, I'm always one for a challenge and like a nice steep learning curve :)

I rushed out and purchased an enormous, and equally shiny, new white board and immediately began reading blogs, lots of them, and getting drawn into many of them. I spent hours and quite a few more nights than is healthy sitting up until 1am reading, highlighting, bookmarking and catgorising my favourites and filling that white board with a lovely, messy mind map that only I can decipher.

I decided to categorise the blogs into those I knew already, some new finds, some that aren't quite blogs yet but I couldn't live without, and a couple of surprises...

Please read my first Britmums Special Needs Round-up if you are looking for some inspiration, whether you are a parent, teacher or young person with an additional need.  Something Old, New, Borrowed and True

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