What are your top Christmas books to share with your children?

What are you reading with your children this Christmas?

Oh how I love the lead up to Christmas. 

To be honest it's the most emotional time of the year for me, the busy-ness of trying to finish various writing deadlines, the rushing, wrapping, buying, lists, more lists, lists of lists, the baking, the school appointments and commitments, the community gatherings, the dropping of gifts to friends and neighbours. 

The desperate attempt to tidy the house, clear the way and make the beds before our guests arrive to share that special time with us. It's busy, I feel tired, but I cherish this time. Illness invariably creeps in trying to scupper our festive plans. But we try to keep a clear cool head and carry on.

Mainly we love keeping it simple in our house. It's about baking and eating and walks and films and board games and music. We sing together and craft and act and read a lot.

Each year we buy one or two more Christmas books to read and share together throughout December, and now that Mia, our eldest is nearly 11, we have quite a collection. 

So what are our favourites?
Well, we put it to the test, asked the children, did a tally of requested reading this month and this is what they came up with:

Our top books for sharing with children this Christmas

The Night Before Christmas - The classic that needs no explanation.
Slinki Malinki's Christmas Cracker - Wonderful rhymes from Slinki Malinki and the gang.
The Christmas Unicorn - A wistful tale of daydreams and friendship.
Jesus' Christmas Party - Giggle along to this humorous twist on the Nativity.
Christmas - If you love Miffy you will love this book, complete with card nativity scene to create.
The Jolly Christmas Postman - full of things to find and do. 
Father Christmas Needs a Wee - Brilliant for counting, and comes with a CD that all children find amusing. Bernard Cribbins reads Santa, and he needs a weeeeee.
The Empty Stocking - a tales of siblings, of being naughty and nice, and a moral about doing the right thing, this is the book that reduces me to tears of an evening.
How Santa Really Works - Great for the older kids who are asking questions... wonderfully scientific explanations that will keep them believing a little while longer.

What are your favourite books to share during the holidays? Books are the perfect way of spending time together, and of remembering what Christmas is all about, not expensive gifts and commercialism, but family and relaxation.

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