Siblings, Screening and the Sillier Side of Life: Sally Phillips and Hayley Goleniowska Chat About Down's Syndrome to Challenging Behaviours Podcast

Check us out! At the glowing age of *ahem* the latter part of our 40s, my friend Sally Phillips and I are dipping our toes into the podcast pond! First Sally learnt about 'gaming' wearing 'on fleak' fingerless gloves and a beanie hat, and then we were guests on the cutting edge Challenging Behaviours Podcast! 

Sally Phillips and Hayley Goleniowska chat about siblings, screening
and the sillier side of life with Down's syndrome to the CB Podcast team

I think we are officially 'down with the squad' or whatever the current vernacular is.

In all seriousness though, Challenging Behaviours Podcast is a cutting edge talk show taking the discussion around learning disability and disability into new territory. The programme is run by pioneers Jack, Adam and Tom who bring an ecclectic wealth of knowledge and experience to the mic.

A World Without Down's documentary front woman Sally Phillips and I agreed to do the inteview on World Down Syndrome Day after attending Andy Merriman's star-studded launch of book A Minor Adjustment the night before and also manning the Mencap Twitter feed that morning, discussing the care of patients with a learning disability during hospital visits. 

Sally Phillips and Downs Side Up wear their colourful socks on
World Down Syndrome Day

Wonderwoman Sally had got up at 5am to appear live on Sky News with her son Olly who has Down's syndrome. She still had bags of energy, while I was beginning to flag and was in much need of a power nap.

However, as soon as we met our interviewers we were inspired and the conversation flowed. They were so young and vibrant and full of enthusiasm, and they'd really done their research. They'd even worn their World Down Syndrome Day colourful socks! You couldn't fail to be impressed. 

In all honesty we could have chatted for hours and the podcast length was limited to the amount of time we were allowed to stay at the venue - a church hall in London. 

We covered everything from breast pumps to delivering unexpected news, there was plenty of flatulance and airing of dirty underwear, we chat about how a sibling with additional needs breaks the ice for teens, how our perceptions of Down's syndrome have changed over the years and the tricky subject of the ethics around antenatal screening and what truly informed choice looks like. Oh, and Harry Enfiled and a briefcase feature too... 

Sally nearly choked on a chic chip cookie and had us all in stitches with her natural comedic wit and story-telling prowess. But you can listen for yourself on the link above.  

Do check out the previous Challenging Behaviours episodes here, which include conversations on politics, lifestyle choice for those with a learning disability and deals with questions surrounding the death of Tom's brother 'Laughing Boy' Connor whilst he was in NHS care. Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust have since been found to have been neglectful. You can read more, including the family statement at

I truly believe that CB Podcast is going to become widely known and respected and these young pioneers will take the conversations around learning disability to new unchartered territories. The latest episode features cartoonist Dad Dan White and accessible loo activist Sarah Brisdion. 

You can Tweet the team at @challengingpod, Tom @rapidrhino123 or Jack @waspskillbears 

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