Simple Random Acts of Kindness: A book giveaway

Simple random acts of kindness

365 Days of Calm, Happy and Kind by Becky Goddard-Hill

365 Days of Kind is a new activity, affirmation, and quote book for children by wellbeing author, psychotherapist and dear friend Becky Goddard-Hill, who you can also find blogging at Emotionally Healthy Kids

It is colourful, fun and packed with inspiration which it delivers in tiny, bite-sized chunks each day of the year.

This beautiful little hard back book with colourful page marker ribbon is the perfect size to stuff in a stocking or give as a gift to a child or young person.  

It has just been published alongside 365 days of Happy and 365 days of Calm. These books are packed with quotes, affirmations, and activities to encourage and inspire kids each and every day.

Each week is themed and begins with an activity related to the theme, followed by inspiring quotes and affirmations to say out loud on each following day. 

Author Becky Goddard-Hill

Random act of kindness ideas 

Here are the random acts of kindness activity ideas from the book that you might like to do with your children. Social and emotional learning works best when it is part of each day rather than just occasionally. A daily dose of kindness makes life nicer for everyone.

A random act of kindness is an unexpected surprise - 
an act of kindness for no other reason than to be kind
They are often done for strangers, 
but you can also do them for people you know. 

Here are some ideas: 

  • Leave a thank you note above your post box or on your dustbin
  • Make a Be Kind poster and display it in your window
  • Make a playlist for your parents of all their favourite songs
  • Make wildflower seed bombs
  • Email your sports coach and tell them what they mean to you
  • Wash your family or a neighours car
  • Make and take a parcel to a food bank
  • Write to your MP about something that could be better in your area
  • Leave a little heart made of pebbles on your path
  • Make a simple bird feeder
  • Ask your local nursing home if someone might like a letter
  • Make everyone’s bed for them
  • Draw a picture for someone you miss
  • Start a dinner time conversation telling everyone your favourite thing about them
  • Send a thank you message to your teacher
  • Help empty the dishwasher
  • Find some positive and happy quotes to put in your sibling's lunch box
  • Start a food box collection for a food bank


Which one will you do today? 

If we all do one random act of kindness daily, 

we might just set the world in the right direction.” 

– Martin Kornfeld

365 days of kind is out now! 

365 days of Calm, Kind, and Happy book tour 

To follow the rest of the 365 days book tour and see more extracts from the books take a look at the following blogs:

29 /9 We’re Going on an Adventure

30/9 Thrifty Mum

01/10 Downs Side Up

2/10 Emma and 3

3/10 Mummy Mummy Mum

4/10 Rainy Day Mum

5/10 What the Red Head Said

6/10 Growing Family

To be in with a chance to win a copy of ALL THREE 365 books, 

click the Rafflecopter giveaway and enter with your email address below ↓


  1. I love the random act of kindness movement. Long may it continue. Everyone always feels better about themselves after doing something kind for someone else.
    It is probably the answer to low-level depression, or just a mood lifter.

  2. These things remind me that wonderful people are still in the world


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