Britmums Special Needs Round-up: Siblings

Each month I compile a round-up of some of the best Special Needs and Disability blog posts on the internet for Britmums as I'm their SEN Editor. Sometimes I try to fit them into a theme, or sometimes they just shuffle themselves into an order.

This month, a number of very powerful SIBLING posts came my way.
Some are written by parents about siblings, others are written by a child with a disability about their sibling, others by a child about their sibling with a disability. There is a post by a grieving sibling and one by an uncle, the brother of the Mum of a child with a disability.

I warn you, you will need tissues, as I cried buckets compiling the list.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you very much for including my post. I still need to go read them all.


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