Downs Side Up is a Britmums Brilliance in Blogging Finalist: INSPIRE


Thank you thank you thank you for all who voted for Downs Side Up in the Britmums Brilliance in Blogging Awards. It has been announced as a finalist in the Inspire Category, one of 6 to make it through.
What a huge honour indeed, and every one in that category is a winner to me, all powerful, selfless writers whose motivation is to help others. 
Although I don't consider myself to be up for the award, instead it is for my blog, which truly has taken on a life of its own. I simply follow its lead and go where the readers and Natty take me...

Next weekend we all head to London for the Britmums Live event, a kind of Mecca for Bloggers, but with Prosecco!

It's a chance to mingle, meet online friends again and learn how to make your blog a better and more beautiful haven and it is here they will announce the finalists.

It's all wonderfully exciting, and right now, between fighting Councillors who say children with disabilities should be 'put down' and trying to get the moral issues of the newDS screening test raised and the family's views heard, it will be a welcome oasis of positivity for me.

Much love to you all, and thank you again.



  1. Wishing 'your blog' (aka YOU!) the best of luck for the awards - you deserve to be a finalist! Missing your smiling faces and our midday glass of something on the beach;) Sending love from all of us - Emma, Nicolai, Isla and (a less spotty) Ciara x

    1. Oooh thank you and sooo lovely to have met you and to hear from you. Are you home safe and well? Did they make you stay on?
      Yes, giving up the day time cocktails was tough!
      Much love to all, and yes, Mia got the spots in the hair, hee hee.

  2. THis is because you are totally brilliant and inspiring! Good luck - hope you win ;) x *whispers* I totally voted for you* lol xxx


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