Which Apps does your SEN Child Use?

Screen time is something I am very conscious of keeping to a minimum for our girls. But there is no denying that iPads and carefully chosen Apps can prove to be incredibly powerful tools for children with special educational needs.

Which Apps does your SEND child rate the most?

Some parents use them to chart the activities of their child at school, using them as a communication aid between school and home. There are even programmes for this, such as Tapestry to take photos of your child's day and record their learning goals and so on.

Other children use them to communicate their needs and choices, for example using Choice Pad, and of course there are plenty of educational games that practise handwriting to numeracy, Makaton and fine motor skills co-ordination.

Last week I stumbled on two fabulous free online games that suited Natty's stage of development perfectly. We are working on recognising sight words quickly and this bus game from the TES website really captivated her attention.

SEN Assist make a range of games for use in schools, but their free Red Riding Hood game is available to anyone. It practices prepositions, matching, remembering, sequencing and other literacy skills and is great for the short term working memory that children with Down's syndrome often need help to develop.

So, aside from filling your gadgets with hundreds of selfies of up your child's nose/Frozen films/Apps of a hamster who imitates your voice, what are your child's most loved educational Apps? 

Do let us know.

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