'So Good I've Read it Twice', Mia reviews Sister, Sister

It's Summer, (apparently).

The school holidays are here and there isn't a moment to breathe. Blogging takes a back seat and reviews are bottom of the list of priorities. But one request stood out. Would we like to read a book? 

"If it was out of 5 stars, I'd give it 5 stars. 
It's so good I've read it twice!"

A book called Sister, Sister. A book for tweens, where one sister has an illness and the other has to decide if she can save her life by donating bone marrow.

Mia reviews Sister, Sister by Jess Bright. "So good I've read it twice."

"My life has been turned upside down, inside out, and totally shaken about. In the last week I've learnt:- my mum's been keeping a MEGA secret from me MY WHOLE ENTIRE LIFE. - my dad is a famous novelist. - I have a sister I never knew about who's really sick and I'm the last chance she has of getting better. I'm trying to pretend to everyone (and even myself) that I'm OK with it all, but really, I don't think I am. Is Willow brave enough to save the sister she's never known and open up her world to a whole new family? The stakes are high but Willow will discover that the rewards are even greater. "

I said yes. Mia is a bookworm and, as a sister of Natty who has Down's syndrome, deserves a big girl's treat once in a while. A gift just for her.

The book arrived, a bright and colourful. The title spoke to Mia immediately and it was squirrelled away to her room. She was most impressed by the fact that it was an 'uncorrected proof' too.

I told Oxford University Press that she might take all Summer to read and review, I couldn't make any promises. But a few days later, she declared that she'd read it. Twice! 

She was so excited that we recorded the following blog review immediately...


As a parent I'd say that I was impressed by the way that Jess Bright's book gently approached more tricky emotional subjects in a palatable way for tweens. Divorce, half siblings, serious illness and death are all discussed. OUP call this their #cleantween fiction range of books where parents can feel rest assured that the content won't be overly adult in nature. Mia thinks girls aged 10-13 would like it.

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