Teaching a Visual Learner about Jobs

I haven't written one of our HOME SCHOOLING posts for a while now.
I flexi-school Natty at home one day per week which allows her a quiet day with undivided attention to focus on her reading, writing and numeracy skills. We also do a hearty slice of life skills, such as cooking, laundry sorting, grocery shopping, even bed-making. We then usually fit in a SWIM or a run on the beach. Natty gets a mid-week rest which she so often needs and, quite simply, we love our time together.

This half term the topic at school is JOBS. Natty knew a few of the more obvious roles, perhaps those involving uniforms or the ones that feature in her life like doctors and dentists. The other jobs I chose to focus on today were those I knew she understood and had met, but perhaps didn't know the term for. So here are the activities we enjoyed together:

1) I found and copied pictures of people doing jobs. These are readily available to download free from many online educational sites.

2) I copied 2 sheets of these images. Natty coloured in and drew on one as we chatted about what the people were doing.

3) I cut up Natty's coloured in sheet to make smaller individual flash cards. We labelled each picture with the job title.

4) Natty matched the flashcard to each picture and we repeated the words and talked about what the people were doing again, using Makaton if necessary.

5) We then went to find a story about jobs and cuddled up to read together. Natty chose Doctor Daisy.

6) Finally we raided the dressing up box and Natty dressed in as many different job outfits as she could think of. As you can see from the doctor's afro (formerly to be spotted on Daddy Downs Side Up at a 70s party) Natty had a free range over her choice of what to wear for each outfit.
Mind you, the firewoman's backwards baseball cap is a little unorthodox too.

There is no right or wrong way to teach your child at home. Just choose what they enjoy doing and adapt it. Most of all have fun and enjoy each other's company.

For more ideas such as learning about fruit and veg, shapes, textures, reading and writing skills, have a look at our ACTIVITIES TO TRY AT HOME page.


  1. Ever since you mentioned the term 'home schooling', I have been considering home-ed for my little girl. Probably from next year, when she starts year 1. And probably just half/one day to begin with (midweek, so that she can recharge her batteries) but I'm really torn by the pros and cons. Does Natty's TA help you decide on topics/methods of teaching etc? I'm concerned about the logistics. I guess your previous teaching experience comes in handy....! How do you know whether it works or not ? Does the school give you feedback or is it purely subjective? I find that my daughter craves social situations, she does well in groups (where there's a bit of pressure to perform- or in her case show off!) I'm worried that I may not be able to "do enough" if you know what I mean. Your blogs are very positive, but are there any words of caution?

    1. We work closely with school via the learning journal so I just pick the current topics but I take the lead from Natty with how we approach them. There are no rights or wrongs and school will be happy to let you try your own methods. No, we don't have to fill in any forms or tick any boxes, I simple write down what I have done in the journal (then blog about it too if I have time!).
      I find the little pause half way through the week suits Natty and she still gets the social plusses of school.
      Please see Ross Mountneys blog listed in the comment below. She's a lady who's done it all before :)
      Good luck x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. What a super post! You know; it describes beautifully how learning used to be in the classroom before the National curriculum ruined it all! These kinds of experiences are the best way to learn of all and Natty is soooo lucky to have you to provide them for her.
    Thought the mom who commented above might be helped by the fact that I found - as we home schooled our two - that being a former teacher didn't help much because there are so very many ways to approach learning and school type/teacherish ways are certainly not the best! I had to unlearn those! She may well find some help with her concerns on my website too: http://rossmountney.wordpress.com
    All best wishes. xx

    1. Thank you Ross. I am definitely taking your advice to slow it down and do fewer activities each weel, instead doing some swimming as well.
      I thought I had pointed that Mum to you but that was another lady on my FB page. I have now :)
      H x

  4. Thanks Hayley. Sorry about the double post - don't know how that happened! x

  5. oh Hayley yours is THE best blog ever x

    1. Oh what a lovely things to say. Thank you so very much. xxx


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